Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cupcake 10 - Eerie Eyeballs.

Cupcake Name:
Eerie Eyeballs

And this is how it went down:

Both the cake and the frosting is vanilla. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any powered white food colouring to make the frosting a better colour but I think it worked out alright.

Confession time... I didn’t follow the recipe for this one at all. Because I’m only making one or two cupcakes of each kind at a time, it didn’t seem practical or economical for me to make the eyeballs the way Lily made them, though would like to make them one day in the future. She makes them out of gelatine and coconut milk but I made mine from white icing. I just rolled them into spheres and then using blue and black food dye, I painted on the irises.

The worms are made from marzipan and copper food dye. I just formed them into worm shapes and created a bit of texture on them using a knife.

The rest was pretty simple, just placing the eyeballs and worms around the cake!


• The eyeballs and worms look pretty great.
• The cake is numcity.

• Not much. They’re pretty cool!

What I’d do different if I had my time over:
• I’d really like to try to make the eyeballs using gelatine and coconut milk. They look great and I bet the texture is more eyeball-esque.

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