Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cupcake 3 - Dracula's Bite

Cupcake Name:
Dracula’s Bite

And this is how it went down:
The cakes were from the same batch of Red Velvet cake that was made for the Blood-Stained Brains. I’ve decided that I’m going to just make one batch of cupcakes at a time and divide them up into 3 groups so that I don’t end up with 12-16 of each kind. That way, I won’t die from a sugar over-dose. I am a complete cake fiend - if it is in my house, I will devour it... so I think using one batch instead of 3 will keep me from developing diabetes.

Moving on! This was a pretty easy little cake to make. The frosting is a cream-cheese frosting which is absolutely delish! A little bit of milk, vanilla, icing sugar, butter and cream-cheese = heaven. I covered the cakes with a thick layer to give me a good base for creating my vampire bites.

The bites are made from pomegranate seeds/pulp and the same cherry sauce that stained the previously mentioned brains. The pomegranate seeds/pulp really work with this cake – they’re sweet and work well against the tartness of the frosting AND they really pop in your mouth when you bite into them, so they have a great texture in comparison to the fluffy frosting and the moist cake (I really hate using the word moist, but that is exactly what it was!)

I have this great little decorating pen from CuisiPro, a fantastic European company that make brilliant cooking gadgets and utensils. I highly recommend it as it’s been so useful in this challenge already! I used this draw the ‘blood’ dripping down from the ‘bite marks’ on the cakes. (I also have their Cupcake Corer and Decorating Set – Just as brilliant!

• Again, the cake itself is fantastic and the colour is sublime (Okay, so sublime might be a little full on for the colour of cupcakes but come on – They’re red cupcakes! Awesome
• The frosting is the most delicious and amazing frosting in the entire world.
• Pomegranates = win.

• I’m actually pretty happy with how these turned out, so no major fails this round.

What I’d do different if I had my time over:
• The cherry sauce could have been better, but we’ve been through this already.
• They could have been a tiny bit bigger but that wasn’t a huge problem.

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