Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cupcake 4 - Rotten Ragworms

Cupcake Name:
Rotten Ragworms

And this is how it went down:
I made a batch of Lily’s chocolate cupcakes and used four for this recipe. Um, wow. These cupcakes are honestly the yummiest things I’ve ever eaten. They’re super moist (there is that word again!) and tasty! I’ve never made chocolate (or any) cupcakes with sour cream before but if it makes them taste like that I’ll be adding it to all my batters!

The frosting is Lily’s delicious Vanilla frosting which is made with double cream. I always used to make my frosting with just butter, icing sugar and a bit of milk, but the cream just takes away that buttery taste (which I really dislike).

So, the worms. They call for chestnut and black food colouring. I couldn’t find any chestnut food colouring and the best I could get was ivory. I added a drop of black and a tsp of cocoa powder to make the white icing (I also didn’t have fondant but had two packets of white icing – I’m a student and have donated my last dollars to the QLD flood relief so, I thought this would do) it as dark as I could, which wasn’t that dark at all!

I used Copper luster dust to paint the worms to give them a shiny appearance and to make them a little darker. Using a fork, I created a bit of texture around the outside so they looked less like snakes! The worms were then placed on top of the frosted cakes.

• The cake is perfection.
• Luster dust is amazing. I didn’t think it would look that great. I love it!
• The worms look kinda worm-like?

• Colour of the worms.
• Size of the worms.

What I’d do different if I had my time over:

• Find Chesnut colouring and use fondant. Honestly though, I’m not a cake decorator and I think I’m doing a pretty alright job considering the money, time and resources I have!
• I’d make the worms a tiny bit smaller so they didn’t look like more like snakes!

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