Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cupcake 7 - Sweeney Todd's Surprise

Cupcake Name:
Sweeney Todd’s Surprise

And this is how it went down:
The cupcake is Lily’s red velvet cake which is absolutely delicious and is one of my new favourite flavours. The colour is so amazing. This batch is again only made with 3 table spoons of red food colouring but I still think it looks brilliant.

This cake is made using marzipan. Now marzipan is awesome. It is great for creating shapes and and array of different 3D objects but it tastes horrible! That aside, this cake is awesome. I love Sweeney Todd so I had a lot of fun with this one.

Firstly, I rolled out a large circle of marzipan to act as the top of the pie. I added a large spoonful of vanilla frosting to the tip of the cake and then draped the marzipan over it. Then, I rolled the edges over to create a ‘crust’ around the ‘pie’ and using a knife, I created indents around the crust.

Using ivory food colouring and a paint brush, I painted the ‘pie crust’ to give it a well baked look. I then dusted the top with copper luster dust. With a sharp knife, I cut a small but deep triangular hole in the centre of the ‘pie’.

Using two small balls of marzipan, I rolled out two finger-like shapes and then created the look of a real finger by drawing fingernails and knuckle creases in with a toothpick. Then with a paintbrush, I pained the fingernails with pink food die.
To finish the cake off, I inserted the marzipan finger into the pie (Hahaha, yes, have a good chuckle as this sentence!) and using the cherry sauce that has been used in previous cakes, I dripped it down the pie and put a little amount on the end of the second finger to lay next to the pie cake.

• Marzipan is brilliant. I was going to use white icing again but I decided to try marzipan and I’m very impressed with it even though it tastes disgusting!
• Ivory colouring makes a convincing pie colour, especially mixed with the luster dust.
• The fingers look cool!

• None!

What I’d do different if I had my time over:
• Work a tiny bit more with the crust!

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