Friday, January 7, 2011

Cupcake 1 - Rainbow Cupcakes

Cupcake Name:
Rainbow Cupcakes

And this is how it went down:
So, I’ve made this kind of cupcake before. They’re fun and fairly easy to make considering they look pretty complex. Most of the time I’ll have 6 or 7 bowls of mixture with all the colours ready but this batch, I did a colour at a time – I wish I didn’t. It took me much longer and I had to keep rinsing my bowl and spatula so the colours didn’t mix. I created two colours of my own by mixing two food colourings together – purple and orange. It’s very hard to make the purple vibrant. If you add too much blue it goes a horrible murky colour. However, the orange was spectacular!

The recipe said to bake them for 15 minutes but I found they took around 10 minutes longer – Could be the size of my cupcake cases or my oven – they cooked through perfectly in around 25 minutes.

I let them rest for a couple of hours before I frosted them. Eugh! Frosting. This is something I am not good at. I followed the recipe to the letter but still it came out runny and horrid. I had to add a lot more icing sugar to make it thicker. Even when I frosted them, it was melting off the cakes. Mind you, the humidity level is around 60% here at the moment, so I think that played a huge part in my Dali-esque melting cakes.

Instead of using gold dusted coconut flakes, I used edible gold glitter as I think it’s shiny and pretty.


• The colours in the cake look amazing both cooked and uncooked.
• The actual cake was perfect.


• First batch of frosting.
• Melting cloud frosting.

What I’d do differently if I had my time over:

• I’d use multiple bowls of coloured mixture to cut the preparation time down a bit more.
• Next time I make frosting, I’m going to try adding more icing sugar and less
liquid and if the humidity is really high, I’m going to put the frosting in the
fridge for a while to see if that makes a difference.


  1. i love the way these turned out spectacular I think and they taste really really good . keep up the great work i LOVE IT XXXXXXXX
